For this reason they were seen by some to be Orcs like the Uruk-hai, but of troll-stock. Olog-hai lacked typical troll vulnerabilities: they were very intelligent and able to move under the Sun, unlike their counterparts. They seldom spoke and never in any language other than the Black Tongue of Mordor. Olog-hai was a Black Speech word that meant simply 'troll-folk'. It is mentioned that after the War of the Ring, all Olog-hai were killed.

The Olog-hai are described as being taller than a Man, covered in spiky scales, carrying war hammers, large swords, or spiked maces, and bucklers, and having claws and, on occasion, tusks. However, they are described as being in the Battle of the Black Gate, where Pippin saves his friend Beregond from one. They lived primarily in Mordor and in southern Mirkwood. They were bred by Sauron in the late Third Age, possibly for the same reason Saruman bred the Uruk-hai, for improvement and less vulnerability to sunlight.

The Olog-hai are not mentioned by name in The Lord of the Rings the term appears only in the appendices.