What the community needs next are character gear mods with the ability to mix … 39,784. i personally love the clones woudnt it be awsome to blast some raiders with a blaster & thermal detonators. With this 'layered' armor system can be exploited to make a great storm trooper armor, with black overhauls with bright white armor plates ontop, although you can get a … Star wars mod/mods - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Requests: things like clone armor storm tooper armor blasters jedi sith mainly clone armor tho. An essential part of any Star Wars play-through is the Lightsaber. Fallout 4 Mod Spotlight - Star Wars Armory Want to know more about Star Wars, check these channels out.

Anyway, as said before, this mod brings the lightsaber into Fallout 4. The "Fallout 4" Star Wars mod is available on Nexus Mods. Kensai Set - Required for the animations. Fallout Mods Hobbies & Interests with 2 members Tags. It is being produced as a Mod for fallout 4, and features only original content and models by myself and other moders. This mod is quite simple: Using the amazing mods found on nexus, I have replace all of the base game ballistic weaponry with Star Wars blasters and other laser based weapons.